Revolut slashes fraud with disposable virtual cards Digital banking startup Revolut is hailing its recent introduction of disposable virtual cards for online purchases, claiming a 30% reduction in card fraud cases. In March Revolut began letting customers create...
MF head, Christine Lagarde, has suggested that the development of bitcoin and other digital currencies could make the global financial system safer, despite the ‘inevitable’ accidents PayPal has combined PayPal Here with ebizmarts’ iPad-based point-of-sale solution,...
FCA has announced that it received 61 submissions for the third edition of its regulatory sandbox, with 18 making the final cut, including propositions from Barclays, First Direct and Nationwide. Barclays is floating a RegTech proposition which tracks updates to...
Virgin Money has reported that underlying profit before tax increased to £128.6m in H1 2017 compared to £101.8m in H1 2016, with retail deposit balances rising to £29.6bn, +5% on FY 2016 and mortgage balances increasing to £31.8bn, +7% on FY 2016. Credit card balances...
Visa Europe has reportedly offered Charlotte Hogg the post of chief executive. Ms Hogg was effectively forced to resign as deputy governor of the Bank of England in March 2017, after failing to disclose that her brother worked in a senior role at Barclays iZettle has...